Sunday, October 24, 2010

Entry #38 Midnight is Still Before Eleven...Please See Entry #2...

Selections from the DN Reading Series:

These two pieces – one, an excerpt from William Burroughs’ Nova Express (1964) read by the author, the other, Samuel Beckett’s Texts For Nothing #8 read by the Irish actor, Jack MacGowran (that’s right, from The Exorcist) – were originally included in Aspen Magazine no. 5+6 as phonograph recordings.

by Samuel Beckett, read by Jack MacGowran

“…ah if no were content to cut yes’s throat, and never cut its own."

 excerpt fromNova Express” (1965) 
 by William Burroughs, read by the author.

“…images, millions of images.  That’s what I eat…
ever try kicking that habit with apomorphine?”


What an utterly fantastic night last Saturday's was.  Damon Smith and Thomas Helton played an intense and surprising set, the readings were fantastic, and the gallery was filled to the brim with top notch video art and 2D work.  We were pulling in DVD players from every house in the neighborhood.  Big shout out to Armadillo Ale Works for sampling their fine product.  Keep an eye on the horizon for Tex Gallery 9!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Entry #37 Jim, you're a liar and a horse thief...

Ok, so all that Dear Navigator stuff in the last post has turned into a lie.  Well everything except the fact that I will be curating an online reading series for the Dear Navigator blog.  But it's not up yet and won't be for a little while.  I'll keep in touch about it.

As for the rest of things...there'll be more all of them for now.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Entry #36 'nuff Snuff

Just got done drafting my blog for Dear Navigator and between that, the Facebook entry and the "tweet" I had to post, I'm all internet contented out...the internet and I are taking a little break.  But, if you're still hankering for a good bit of toasted nut blog, you can read my entry at Dear Navigator.

I involved Walker without telling him.  So there's that...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Entry #35 Place: your order.

Soooo, I just ordered a bunch of books by the autor/poet Alan Michael Parker for his reading at Tex Gallery 8.

I'm very excited to have at Alan at Tex Gallery, especially as we approach the release of his second novel, "Whale Tale" (WordFarm 2011).  Here's an interview I did with him last spring.  (I know my questions are long and wordy, but I needed to know so much!).

Yesterday was a long and strange and good day.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Entry #34 I Thought That's Right

Going to clean the Bean in a bit.  It could be embarrassing.

I think I might be Listener from Ohio Impromptu for Halloween.  Or...a cat.

Something worth seeing is this.

I learned to project.  I'm cast as Estragon in...Waiting for Godot.

That's it for now.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Entry #33 Timing be Damned

There are no clocks in my studio.

I am a liar.

Here are a few shorties I just wrote and will let sit here for a little while, then delete:


I'm going to a class now to learn how to turn on LCD Projectors.  I will listen and be quiet.  This is an effort I must make to prove to the good folks at media services that I care, and take their things seriously.  It is very much like borrowing things from my father.



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Entry #32 You Too Can Be a Viking

Schomburg - Viking.

Wells Tower, go ahead and read "Everything Ravaged Everything Burned" - the story, but decide yourself if you want to take on the whole book.

I'll be blogging an online reading series here!

Check back always for guhd stuff.

Tea is the new third cup of coffee, and grapefruit juice is the new fourth beer.


10/23/10 - Tex Gallery 8


Michelle Yu

Tisch Abelow

Zoe Berg

Thomas Helton

Damon Smith

and so much many more...

Truly not to be missed.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Entry #31 Backstreet's...and the rest of it.

Look for my piece in The Ampersand Review's forthcoming issue.  Buy copies and tell your friends!

I'm back in to this, by the way.

This video is ok, but I think I like the impulse behind the animation more than the animation itself.

We should assimilate more.  Or recontextualize.  Steal is what I mean.  So that when someone walks into your apartment and says, 'Hey, is that my coffee table?' you say, 'No, that's my floor desk.'

(I can't find a link to Christine Montalbetti's work anywhere, but go buy Dalkey Archive Press' "Best European Fiction 2010" and you can read her that way!)

Here's a link from my uncle, who's the best.

And a link from my aunt, who is also the best.

See you all tomorrow.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Entry #30 Trumpets

"Such a bad blogger these days.

Inconsistent writer, if persistent."

This post was created way back when I was still finishing the book.  Feels finished, and I'm glad I removed what was once here.  Revelation is what it is.  My first book.  Finished.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Entry #29 Always go with iodized

Don't think I've forgotten you!  Eleven's just be coming extra early lately for some reason...I think it's the reverse pull of the Harvest Moon...maybe.

I'm putting together a reading series for Dear Navigator, an online literary journal.

As part of my associate editor duties, I've decided to curate a blog space of video readings.  I'm focusing on fiction for now, but we'll see where this whole thing goes.

So...if you're writing fiction these days, or really into recording yourself talking, send me a video of you giving a reading (your own work, someone else's, your favorite words ever written) and I'll post what works!  What's not too filthy...Walker.

Just email me.

Wow.  Eleven's just around the corner.

Don't feel neglected!  More soon.

Been reading this and this, so my life is all cannibals and romanticized alcoholism.